Soil Management

Dredged Material & Beneficial Use Materials

Marketing of stabilized material for beneficial use projects

Dredge Material Management

Dredged material is generated during the removal of sediment, State open water soils, or wetlands from the bottom of navigation channels and waterways. The purpose of dredging is to restore or maintain original bottom contours of waterbodies, and remove material that has shifted and washed in over time. Bayshore operates under NJDEP Acceptable Use Determination approvals for dredged material processing, storage and handling along our waterfront on the Raritan River. Our NJDEP approval allows for in-scow processing and pug mill stabilization of dredged material in accordance with project specific requirements. Previously amended Processed Dredged Material (PDM) or clean dredged material can be transloaded at Bayshore’s waterfront, then trucked to the approved end use. Bayshore handles the marketing of stabilized material for beneficial use projects such as Brownfield Redevelopment or other approved locations for upland placement. Bayshore can also assist in coordinating the approval process in order to responsibly manage dredged materials suitable for Beneficial Use.