Valerie Montecalvo, President & CEO of Bayshore Family of Companies
To our valued customers & colleagues:
I write to you today in these most challenging and unprecedented times to assure you that the Bayshore Family of Companies is following all public health and safety protocols issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and carefully monitoring all actions taken by our Government leaders to ensure that we maintain strict compliance.
At this time all Bayshore Companies remain in full operation including:
Bayshore is a proud supplier of services including transportation and recycling of Class B materials such as clean concrete, brick & block, asphalt, clean and contaminated soils, as well as Class A curbside material, scrap metals, and supplying container services. Physical contact from a Bayshore employee or subcontracted employee is mostly limited to truck drivers being weighed at our scale house, off-loading material at our Woodbridge location for processing, or truck drivers being escorted on project sites for loading out. Bayshore has directed our employees and subcontracted employees to stay inside their trucks as much as possible and avoid contact with other on-site personnel. Bayshore has taken the following steps to increase awareness of Coronavirus within our companies and subcontractors:
A company-wide newsletter has been circulated, which implements the CDC’s recommendations. As updates become available, all additional information/ recommendations will continue to be passed along accordingly to all personnel and posted across all office worksites.
Bayshore is making every effort to monitor for signs of Coronavirus and managing activities to avoid contraction or spreading of the virus; examples include:
Travel: Bayshore employees do not have any international travel for business scheduled. Should an employee travel internationally to countries listed as a Level 2 or Level 3 destination, the employee must communicate travel plans to their supervisor. Any employee who returns from travel will be advised to remain sheltered at home for at least 14 days, at which point their individual circumstances will be evaluated for a possible return to an office location.
Should a “shelter in place” order be issued by the Governor, we are able to work remotely to ensure proper services from an office support standpoint. Additionally, our technical staff has had recent on the job training in crisis management and remote operating scenarios. We will communicate any service-related issues immediately. However, due to the nature of our businesses, Bayshore does not foresee any potential service disruption unless a directive is issued from the Governor suspending solid waste and recycling collection.
In closing, please know that the Bayshore Family of Companies fully embrace paramount attention to worker safety and have stressed strict adherence to all guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. At the same time, in the days and weeks ahead, we fully intend to continue delivering high-quality recycling and related services to our valued customers while we simultaneously safeguard employee health and safety. All the above-referenced policies will remain in effect and strictly enforced until we receive any further guidance from the State. Of course, we will update you if any changes affect the services we proudly provide you.